Directors and Officers

The following people serve in the indicated capacities.

Director at Large – Colette  Armao

Board Member at Large Colette Armao retired as an aviation system planner with Caltrans Division of Aeronautics. Her prior Air Force experience includes air traffic control, air freight, and command and control. She was the Reserve Superintendent of Operations at Air Mobility Command’s Tanker Airlift Control Center for 9/11, an experience which led to her appreciation for well-coordinated and exercised disaster response plans. Colette reviewed an early draft of the Disaster Airlift Response Plan (DARP) which CalDART uses –  she was surprised such a short document could be so similar to the military plans she worked with in the Air Force. As lead on 2 multiyear Bay Area airport disaster resiliency plans, she invited Rod Pharis and Paul Marshall to represent the pilot community on the projects’ technical advisory panels. Colette has participated in several DART Operator exercises, providing mission tasking, observations, and comments at debrief. While at Caltrans Colette advocated the establishment of DARTs to airport managers by setting up DART panels and presentations at annual meetings of the 2 largest airport manager groups in California. 

Secretary and Director – Edward Story

Board Member and Secretary Ed Story is the CalPilots Region 5 Vice President and actively promoted DART since the CalPilots Annual Conference in October 2015. Ed sponsored the organization of DART at the Santa Monica Airport Association. He is a commercial pilot, with instrument, multi engine, single engine, seaplane and rotary wing ratings. He is a member of the Santa Monica Airport Association Board, the Southern California Airspace User Working Group, American Red Cross Santa Monica Chapter Board, and formerly the Professional Helicopter Pilot Association Board. He is the managing partner and a founder of Ironwood Advisory and is experienced in operations, strategic planning, product design and development, general management, and sales/marketing responsibilities. Ed earned his MBA from the Harvard Business School and his Bachelors degree in International Relations from Pomona College. He served as an Infantry Officer, in the U.S. Army with a tour of duty in Vietnam. He is an Eagle Scout and grew up overseas. You reach Ed through the Contact Us page.

General Counsel and Director – Lloyd Kirschbaum

Board Member and General Counsel Lloyd Kirschbaum is a past president of the Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association, a national group with about 600 members, founded in 1959. He mostly litigates, mostly on the plaintiff’s side, in aviation, personal injury, real estate, and probate; representing pilots, charter operators, repair stations, FBOs, airport associations, aircraft owners and similar. He was admitted to the California Bar in 1984, and holds a variety of additional admissions, including the US Supreme Court. He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Maryland and a JD from the Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles. Lloyd has been a private pilot since 1993, with about 1500 hours in 23 different aircraft types. He would trade all possessions for a back seat ride with the Thunderbirds or Blue Angels.

Vice President of DART Administration – Louise Mateos

Louise Mateos administers CalDART’s DARTs, providing the training and assistance they need to get started and maintain their currency over the years. She is a long time CalDART member through Palo Alto DART, participating in many missions over the years. She managed Flight Operations for the first ever CalDART Statewide Exercise in 2023, sending 22 pilots to 63 airports in California and Oregon to deliver a virtual disaster supply shipment to about 95 disaster response professionals. After a career in aerospace, she now spends her time volunteering.  In addition to CalDART, she volunteers at the local, group and state level in Civil Air Patrol and with her local 99s chapter. She has been flying since before the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, is an instrument rated commercial pilot, and is working on her Certified Flight Instructor certificate.

Treasurer and Director – Mark van Wyk

Treasurer Mark van Wyk is a long-time core member of the SCAPA DART at San Martin Airport (E16) and serves on CalDART’s DART Operator leadership group. From 2011 to 2021, he served as Treasurer and Secretary of the South County Airport Pilots Association (SCAPA), a subchapter of CalPilots (The California Pilots Association). Mark has been active in SCAPA efforts to preserve Santa Clara County airports during such controversies as the County vs. FAA dispute over skydiving operations at E16; County efforts to close Reid Hillview Airport (KRHV); the County’s ban on leaded aviation fuel; and County efforts to bring unleaded aviation fuel to its airports. Mark is an instrument-rated private pilot and owns a Cessna aircraft which he bases at E16. He flies his plane all over the state to fly-ins, airshows, camp-outs, and other events; and has delivered cargo during DART exercises.  Mark lives in Morgan Hill and is employed as a technical writer at a semiconductor manufacturer in San Jose.

President and Director – Paul Marshall

Board Member and President Paul Marshall partnered with Rod Pharis in the development of the first DART at San Martin Airport starting in 2008 and brought the idea to CalPilots for statewide expansion, where he stimulated its growth throughout the state. He led the transition on the CalDART side when CalPilots divested CalDART, launching it as an independent corporation. He is an associate member of the Santa Clara County Emergency Management Association and member of the California Emergency Services Association. He is retired from Sunrise Telecom, a company he cofounded in 1991 and worked in through 2011. He earned a BSME from UC Davis and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. He transports California doctors, nurses, and staff to a free medical clinic in Mexico with LIGA, the Flying Doctors of Mercy. He has flown more than 400 children as a part of the EAA Young Eagle program at EAA Chapter 62 at San Jose Reid Hillview Airport. He is a private pilot, instrument rated with over 2700 flight hours, 600 formation hours. He first learned public service and the value of preparedness in scouting. You can reach Paul through the Contact Us page.

Membership Vice President – Peg Gardner

Board Member and Membership Vice President Peg Gardner had her own business in project management for many years which allowed her ample time to pursue her love of emergency management and public volunteer service. She has over 200 hours of formal education in Emergency Management through CTSI and TEEX plus over 10 years membership in Contra Costa VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster). She served roughly 4,000 volunteer hours with the Concord Police Department while also instructing for multiple organizations included the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Concord Auxiliary Radio Emergency Service (CARES), American Red Cross, County Animal Response Team, and coordinating the canteen operations for the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Service. Contact Peg with your membership questions through the Contact Us page.

Government/NGO Liaison Officer & Director – Ron Lovick

Board Member and Government/NGO Liaison Officer Ron Lovick is the Executive Director of San Diego CalDART, forming a regional DART team operating out of San Diego County Airports. He is a member of the Palomar Airport Advisory Board, a Senior Government Liaison Officer with the San Diego Chapter of the American Red Cross, and a Terrorism Liaison Officer and Infrastructure Liaison Officer with the Law Enforcement Coordination Center and Infragard Business Watch in San Diego. He has 30 years law enforcement experience  in use of aircraft in law enforcement and rescue operations, with extensive real-time air-to-ground communications for tactical and operational response. He has worked with the FBI and DHS in cooperation with law enforcement agencies to mitigate local, state and national vulnerabilities from terrorists exploiting our critical infrastructure. He is a private pilot with over 35 years and 1,000 hours of flying experience throughout the Western United States and southern California. In his spare time Ron is building an RV-12 home-built aircraft after completing an RV-8 a few years back. You can reach Ron through the Contact Us page.